Saturday, June 07, 2008

Acia Johnson's story is incredible!. She lived in a world of crack, domestic abuse, violence and repeated social service investigations. Although her family life was a train wreck, she somehow managed to thrive. She was 14, an A student, a good athlete, and the primary care giver for her 3 year old sister.

Police say that Acia and her sister died when her mother's lover, drunk and enraged, torched their home after an intense fight on the morning of April 6th.

How could this senseless tragedy have been avoided? Is there no effective safety net for children like Acia? Did she and her little sister ever really have a chance? It breaks my heart to think about how many kids are living similar lives.

Congratulations to Boston Globe reporters Kieth O'Brien and Donovan Slatt for a great job of reporting. They give real insight in to Acia and the challenges she faced. This story will stay with you.


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